


RAB Criminal AFIS System

The scope included planning of design, development and implementation, and deployment based on the requirement and specifications during the software requirements specification phase, software requirements analysis for coming up with a detailed list and description for each of the functional and non-functional requirements based on the clients’ needs and supply and commissioning of the enrolment kit/application software and a web portal. Both the application software and web portal feature a multifactor authentication system which is used for the login feature that increases the security of both the application and portal. The search feature is modernized as now users can search with multiple criteria at a time. Data export and import facilities has been improved and the software up-gradation are maintained properly. Lastly an exclusive audit trail feature makes sure that the system is running without any corrupted or unwanted activities.

Project Datasheet

PBI Mobile Finger Print Scanner

The project requirements included Mobile Finger Print Scanner for Instant Identification with Necessary Software. Scope also included the installation and configuration of the components supplied so that PBI officials can seamlessly use them both at crime scene and in office, as well as matching the captured data against the NID database to verify the identity. The system is capable of matching with BEC citizen database of over 100 million records and instantly view the NID information on screen through 1:N fingerprint match. The PBI is also using the system for surveillance and access control inside their Headquarters for outsider visitors.

Project Datasheet

RAB Hand Held AFIS Station

The scope included planning of design, development and implementation, and deployment of the Onsite Identification and verification based on the requirement and specifications during the software requirements specification phase, software requirements analysis for coming up with a detailed list and description for each of the functional and non-functional requirements based on the clients’ needs and supply and commissioning of the Hand Held AFIS Station to the client within the given timeframe maintaining the requirement.

Project Datasheet

SB Immigration Management System

The scope included Monthly maintenance of application software system and database in all immigration check posts throughout the country which also encompassed 24 hours support services for the maintenance of Immigration Management System (IMS) at 29 no. of operational check posts (out of 33), Special Branch HQ, School of Intelligence of SB, Several Sections of SBHQ including SCO, Passport and some other Government Offices. Overview of existing IMS Network Immigration, which is the first and last gate of incoming and outgoing Bangladeshi or Non-Bangladeshi passengers, identifies who is entering, remaining and departing the territory of Bangladesh. Immigration Police of Special Branch is responsible for controlling these international Gateways.

Project Datasheet

DAI SPFMSP MIS Extension Phase II

The scope included making the existing Government to People (G2P) digital payment system of Finance Division adaptive to the present requirement of cash transfer to many people adversely affected by COVID-19 under social protection, providing technical expertise to the Finance Division to develop guidelines for MIS/IT system-based targeting, selection and enrolment for COVID-19 cash transfers, supporting the FD to expand G2P coverage of ongoing programmes with at least six relevant line ministries to the entire country and ensure regular payments of allowances to beneficiaries of such programmes, developing the capacity of relevant Government officials of FD, Line Ministries and relevant departments to manage and sustain G2P payment system and Social Protection Budget Management Unit’s (SPBMU’s) MIS, Make the SPBMU’s Management Information System (MIS) robust and compatible to hold and process emergency cash transfers for COVID-19 response and future emergencies. This therefore contributes to the development of a shock-responsive Information management system for the Government, beyond the immediate COVID-19 crisis.

Project Datasheet

Bangladesh Immigration Visa On Arrival System

The project requirements of the Bangladesh Immigration Visa On Arrival (VOA) Management Information System included design, development and implementation, and deployment of an online and digital on-arrival visa providing and verification system that will verify and validate the arrival information, passport and other relevant information of the foreign immigrants who have applied for an on-arrival visa at the port of entry. Previously, the on –arrival visa processing was operated manually by the Special Branch of Bangladesh Police. The scope of the proposed system offers an online portal that will allow the user to apply for an on-arrival visa so that the entire process gets digitalized and computerized. Initially, the applicant has to upload all the necessary documents e.g. the valid passport, arrival information related documents in the portal for further verification. These information and relevant documents are then checked by the officer-in-charge and later sent to the field level officer for verification. The field level officer then performs verification process and uploads his/her feedback in the system. The applicant can always view the status of his application from the dashboard of the system. The scope also included a notification panel where the system always notifies the approval or disapproval of the application by sending email to the applicant within a predefined timeframe. The verification feedback is also sent to the e-gate system of Bangladesh airport that is integrated with the proposed VOA MIS so that the applicant can pass the e-gate and get permission to enter in the country. Due to recent pandemic situation, we are withholding the deployment of the system. As soon as the environment gets ready for deployment, we will initiate the process.

Project Datasheet

DAI SPFMSP MIS Extension Phase I

The scope included Performing primary requirements analysis followed by delivering Inception Report/s, conducting detailed requirements analysis followed by delivering Software Requirement Specification (SRS), planning, designing and development of detail system and database design along with preparation of System Design Document (SDD), design and development of graphical user interface mock-ups based on the wireframes defined in the SRS, providing API documents to Department of Labor implementing Ready Made Garment and Leather Factory COVID affected beneficiaries MIS for implementing API connection, testing and Implementation linkage between SPBMU MIS Live Server and LM MIS, collecting requirements for new reports and design and implement new report, graph, statistics related section of SPBMU MIS design of linkage to EGPP and PESP MIS, analyze codebase and database of MoWCA MIS and design, develop and modify modules as per requirement by fixing bugs and providing maintenance support, collect requirements for new features in MoE MIS and design and develop modules as per requirements, modify data entry module as per new requirements for all schemes and implement selection process based on weightage for MoE MIS, modify payment module and student evaluation module based on requirements for MoE MIS, developing helpdesk module and student evaluation module based on new requirement for MoE MIS, prepare user manual and test all develop modules and fixing bugs accordingly for MoE MIS and providing maintenance support, performing testing based on the test cases defined in the SRS, along with a cross check of the functionalities and system design implementation defined in the SDD, installation and configuration of production environment, and deployment of the system to the production, user Acceptance Test or Operational Acceptance Test based on client’s requirement and implementation of received feedback, preparation of user manual, training manual, and test reports etc., conducting training for the end users and the technical users such as admins, developers, analysts of the system from client-side project team and acceptance of the UAT and the training along with other deliverables followed by project handover and closing.

Project Datasheet

European Union RLFECT MIS

The scope included proceeding with the engagement of a suitable IT Application. Development firm / vendor for the development and implementation of the RWCSI MIS. The scope also included to facilitate the delivery of the operations for RWCSI through an efficient and effective management information system (MIS) and the G2P Payments system facilitating payment integration and disbursement and SPBMU providing the integration approach and protocols to integrate with the G2P Payments system, including data rules and validation.

Project Datasheet

RAB OIVS: Handheld Fingerprint Identification

The scope included planning of design, development and implementation, and deployment of the RAB-SIVS based on the requirement and specifications during the software requirements specification phase, software requirements analysis for coming up with a detailed list and description for each of the functional and non-functional requirements based on the clients’ needs and supply and commissioning of the Hand Held Fingerprint Scanner to the client within the given timeframe maintaining the requirement.

Project Datasheet

MoE Harmonized Stipend Program MIS

Development of an MIS for Harmonized Stipend program by customizing the SESP MIS developed by the Project under previous contracts. The HSP MIS to be developed will include module that will allow institution to submit online applications from potential stipend students, Module for NID verification for parents/guardians and students above 18 years, module that will allow the Upazilas to update the applications and submit them to HSP Unit for final selection, module that will make it possible for HSP Unit to automatically select beneficiaries using the poverty means test formula that will be provided by HSP Unit, module for managing beneficiary’s data, module for capturing conditionalities (attendance, performance and marital status) from institutions online, module for generating payrolls and submitting them to SPBMU MIS for G2P Payments, ,module for Reconciling payments including producing supplementary payrolls after correcting beneficiaries’ payments data. The scope also required migration of existing SESP, SESIP, SEQAEP and HSSP data into HSP MIS. The project requirements also included ICT/project management expertise to establish connectivity between SPBMU MIS, and the following Government line ministry databases to Birth Registration System (BRIS) and Harmonised Stipend Programme’s MIS of MoE.

Project Datasheet

Bangladesh Returnee Case Management System

The project requirements included Development, deployment and commissioning of Custom built software modules and components of Returnee Case Management System (RCMS) by the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The requirements included designing and implementation of a secured login by introducing 3 Factor Authentication (3FA) along with one time passwords, session restrictions, providing features based on the role of the user and integrating different modules and components of the system with one another, as well as integrate the same with external systems if any is required. Requirements also included designing and preparation of the API design and Database schema according to the system and database requirement analysis, in collaboration with the client and incorporating any client feedback regarding the API design and Database schema for the successful implementation. RCMS features users to enroll cases and corresponding application submission. It also modulates the status of a case through the entire life-cycle processing through the extranet and intranet subsystems. There is a dashboard which previews various statistical data on the dashboard, case status, recent cases and a customable interface for the user. It also facilitates and modulates all interview arrangements, schedule and venue, notification, e-mail and interview platforms. The system also facilitates searching to all levels of users featuring pre-emptive search filtering, searching on multiple key words, customizable filtering range and role-wise search results.

Project Datasheet

Bangladesh RCMS AFIS

The project requirements included Supply, delivery and commissioning of an Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) including necessary software, hardware and licenses by the International Organization for Migration (IOM). This system efficiently features one-to-one and one-to-many matching of a given biometric fingerprint input against the stored biometric records within the system. At the same time IOM RCMS AFIS features automated synchronization with the data sources of multiple stakeholder agencies connected with this system. As a result, this system always remains updated and for the deployment of specific identity instance management algorithms, the redundancy of de-duplication will be obsolete. In addition to that, a stand-alone AFIS Engine being a part of this project, the user of this system with proper access is able to adjust threshold for False Acceptance Ratio (FAR) and False Rejection Ratio (FRR) which even results better matching result.

Project Datasheet

BEC-SB Communication interface

The project requirements included develop and setting-up an Application Interface between Bangladesh Election Commission and the Special Branch of Bangladesh Police to facilitate and accelerate the person’s identification and nationality verification through National ID Database.

Project Datasheet

Bangladesh Prisoner Database Management System

The offered solution included development, implementation and management of a prison database management system for Bangladesh Prison Directorate to automate the prison operations and to create a digital information repository. The project also included an effective management of any prison system is dependent on the ability to collect, store, maintain and access information on individual prisoners. The number of persons held in custody, their classification, along with their health and rehabilitative needs provide important information for prison managers to identify resources requirements, set budgets, manage health and safety, and develop appropriate rehabilitative and treatment programmes. At headquarters level, the consolidation of the data of all prisoners is a critical policy-making tool in order to identify trends and address problem areas, such as the number of prisoners awaiting trial or the special needs of particularly vulnerable prisoners.

Project Datasheet

PBI integrated Biometric and Information Sharing Solution

The project requirements included supply and commissioning of mobile wireless fingerprint scanners, and mobile biometric identification and verification software solutions. Scope also included the installation and configuration of the components supplied so that PBI officials can seamlessly use them both at crime scene and in office, as well as matching the captured data against the NID database to verify the identity. The system is capable of matching with BEC citizen database of over 100 million records and instantly view the NID information on screen through 1:N fingerprint match. The PBI is also using the system for surveillance and access control inside their Headquarters for outsider visitors.

Project Datasheet

PBI Mobile Wireless Fingerprint Scanner

Supply, commissioning, design and development of a biometric fingerprint identification and verification system for a limited number of PBI offices as a pilot phase of the project, which later expanded into a full-fledged SIV system for PBI. ISTL performed feasibility analysis, detailed requirements specification along with PBI project team in order to make the pilot phase successful. ISTL also supplied Ten Print Live Scan Scanner, Single-digit Optical Scanner, Mobile Wireless Fingerprint Scanner, and Mobile Biometric Solution.

Project Datasheet

PBI Ten Print Live Scan System

Supply, commissioning, design and development of a biometric fingerprint identification and verification system for a limited number of PBI offices as a pilot phase of the project, which later expanded into a full-fledged SIV system for PBI. ISTL performed feasibility analysis, detailed requirements specification along with PBI project team in order to make the pilot phase successful. ISTL also supplied Ten Print Live Scan Scanner, Single-digit Optical Scanner, Mobile Wireless Fingerprint Scanner, and Mobile Biometric Solution.

Project Datasheet

PBI Single Digit Optical Scanner

Supply, commissioning, design and development of a biometric fingerprint identification and verification system for a limited number of PBI offices as a pilot phase of the project, which later expanded into a full-fledged SIV system for PBI. ISTL performed feasibility analysis, detailed requirements specification along with PBI project team in order to make the pilot phase successful. ISTL also supplied Ten Print Live Scan Scanner, Single-digit Optical Scanner, Mobile Wireless Fingerprint Scanner, and Mobile Biometric Solution.

Project Datasheet

Finance Division SPBMU MIS Third Phase

Further Design and Development of Social Protection Budget Management Unit Management Information System (SPBMU MIS) and Linkage to MIS of other Schemes. This project also included the enhancement of the security features of the SPBMU MIS system, modules development of iBAS++, the central management system of Bangladesh Finance Division in order to integrate seamlessly with the SPBMU MIS, and last but not the least, integration with new schemes MIS for the rollout of the G2P Payment System as well as the Birth Registration System of Bangladesh etc.

Project Datasheet

Finance Division SPBMU MIS Second Phase

Designing and implementing the linkage between the central SPBMU MIS and other six schemes MIS from across five Line Ministries, and development of SESP Management Information System for Ministry of Education (MoE), facilitating the student-beneficiary management for the MoE Line Ministry of the Finance Division of Bangladesh Government. The scope of work for linkage of the schemes MIS to the central system includes but not limited to the extension of replicated schemes MIS databases and replication of the rest of the schemes databases.

Project Datasheet


ISTL, in a Joint Venture with Commlink Info Tech Ltd. and Praescient Software (Ghana) has successfully completed the project of designing and development of two Management Information System facilitating the beneficiary management for the Line Ministries of the Finance Division of Bangladesh Government. The central MIS system SPBMU MIS and two Line Ministry MIS called MOSW (Ministry of Social Welfare) MIS and MOWCA (Ministry of Women and Children Affairs) MIS are under the scope of work for this project. Primarily the system will need to handle approx. 50 million beneficiaries, their allowance transactions, payroll generations, NID verification, approval etc.

Project Datasheet

WFP School Meal Program E-Payment System

Design and development of e-Payment System software solution for WFP School Meal Program, along with other related services such as testing, training, and documentation etc. The solution is designed and being developed in order for meeting all the requirement specified by WFP such as enrollment of vendors and cooks, budget allocation and disbursement, tracking the purchases of foods and other necessary commodities under the program, integration with payment gateway through Bangladesh Bank, integration with SPBMU MIS for communicating with BEC NID database for NID verification etc.

Project Datasheet

SB Multi-modal Biometric Access Control System

Designing and implementing a unified multi-modal biometric enrollment system and a fully-featured walk-through access control system featuring face recognition system, iris matching and fingerprint identification and verification of the personnel and the visitor of the Prime Minister’s Office, Ganabhaban, and Bangabhaban.

Project Datasheet

Fire Service & Civil Defense HRMS

Development, supply and commissioning of a fully featured online Human Resource Management (HRM) system that included record keeping and management of employees, attendance, time, leaves, office locations, travel, payroll, online recruitments, awards, training, role based access control, inventories, audit trails and reports etc.

Project Datasheet

PBI Suspect Identification & Verification Pilot

Supply, commissioning, design and development of a biometric fingerprint identification and verification system for a limited number of PBI offices as a pilot phase of the project, which later expanded into a full-fledged SIV system for PBI. ISTL performed feasibility analysis, detailed requirements specification along with PBI project team in order to make the pilot phase successful. ISTL also supplied Ten Print Live Scan Scanner, Single-digit Optical Scanner, Mobile Wireless Fingerprint Scanner, and Mobile Biometric Solution.

Project Datasheet